encube 360

An elegant, modern, easy-to-use smart solution for a Growing Education Institute

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Encube 360
Enterprise School Management

A powerful fully cloud-based enterprise school management system that connects Students, Teachers, Parents and School Administrators to enhance the schools educational experience.

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Encube 360 LMS
Learning Management System

A perfect online learning environment with integrated communications, assessment and collaboration tools, engaging each learner.

import or create academic documents

build tests and exams with automated results & feedback

set and receive virtual assignments & grade them

communicate through forums and chats
register student attendances and track progress

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Encube 360 Live
Virtual Learning Classroom

Encube 360 Live Virtual Learning Classroom is a web video conferencing system designed to engage students and academics through a virtual online portal to enable distance learning.

Share Presentation

Upload presentations and take advantage of audio and visual tools.

Breakout Rooms

Group users into breakout rooms for team collaboration.

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incubating new ideas

Empowering learning through innovation

Smart, Secure, and Scalable Solution with high performance guaranteed
Encube gives you better Data to make better Decisions


responsive & easy-to-use tools

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custom apps & services for education

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build brand identity for clients

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Find a solution for your school..
We take pride in achieved quality, stability & reliability through specialised design, development, and marketing.


Why Encube 360

With amazing features, beautiful design and well-thought out system, Encube 360 suite is the perfect starting point for your school or college.

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Simple, Scalable, & Easy to Use

Our cloud based SEMS allows for seamless market-leading integrations. Everything in one place.

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Powerful Reporting & Analytics

Audit and manage a variety of reports, and produce graphical illustrations to help make better decisions.

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Comprehensive LMS

A perfect online learning environment with integrated academic tools, engaging learner.